Welcome to the Pie & Mash Club

It is a free-to-join social club open to all who take an interest in London’s traditional dish. At each lunchtime meeting, participants earn a score for the food they consume. These scores feed into a cumulative league table for the season, which runs from September to June over the course of 10 sittings. The person with the most points at the end of the season is the champion.

If you have any pie and mash venue suggestions, queries or have information to share, then send us an email. If you would like to subscribe to our regular newsletter, please click on the bell icon below, or “Subscribe” within the Contact section above, where you will be directed to an email form.




No past rounds currently added

The Pie and Mash Club was founded in 1994, and went online in 2003. There is a rich archive of words and pictures contained within hundreds of reports from meetings dating back more than 25 years. You can access these by navigating the dropdown menus in the 'Archive' section above.